Sunday, September 21, 2008

About JamieCo Design at Zazzle

I'm still merrily adding my designs to JamieCo Design at Zazzle. I have pretty much worked out the way I like to name products and set them up, so this seems a good time to describe some of the gallery's ins and outs.

  • Buttons and magnets. On the product page for each magnet and button, you can choose the shape (round or square) and size you want. Not all designs look their best on both shapes, however, so I give them helpful names. For example:
  • Designs assembled from multiple images. My Hot Pink Awareness Ribbon Mousepad (shown at right) makes a new design from two separate images. If you're looking for a new combination of my designs (for example, colors of awareness ribbons) use the "Send Message" link in the left column of the JamieCo Design gallery to tell me!
  • Your favorite background colors. Colors I find appealing may not appeal to you, so where it makes sense to me, I set up products so you can set the background color yourself. Here again, I try to give helpful indications, such as:
    • Designs with a variety of solid background colors, as in my Wilde About Fashion product line. You can use the colors I set, or not, as you wish.
    • Product descriptions that end "Choose your favorite background color and be part of the art."

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